Our 2021 SEO Strategies Rock!

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing a website or webpage to increase the quantity and quality of its traffic from a search engine’s organic results. The benefits are obvious: free, passive traffic to your website, month after month.

How SEO Works...

In simple terms, SEO works by demonstrating to search engines that your content is the best result for the topic at hand. This is because all search engines have the same goal: To show the best, most relevant results to their users. Precisely how you do this depends on the search engine you’re optimizing for.

Important SEO


Some things can block Google’s crawlers: Poor internal linking: Google relies on internal links to crawl all the pages on your site. Pages without internal links often won’t get crawled.
Nofollowed internal links: Internal links with nofollow tags won’t get crawled by Google.
Noindexed pages: You can exclude pages from Google’s index using a noindex meta tag or HTTP header. If other pages on your site only have internal links from noindexed pages, there’s a chance that Google won’t find them.
Blocks in robots.txt: Robots.txt is a text file that tells Google where it can and can’t go on your website. If pages are blocked here, it won’t crawl them.


63% of Google searches come from mobile devices, and that number is growing every year.
Given that statistic, it probably comes as no surprise that in 2016, Google announced a ranking boost for mobile-friendly websites in its mobile search results.
Google also shifted to mobile-first indexing in 2018, meaning that they now use the mobile version of your page for indexing and ranking.


Pagespeed is how fast your page loads. It’s a ranking factor on desktop and mobile.
Why? Once again, Google wants to keep its users satisfied. If their users are clicking on search results that take too long to load, that leads to dissatisfaction.
To check the speed of your web pages, use Google’s Pagespeed Insights tool.

Search Intent Optimization

Content type: Are most of the results blog posts, product pages, category pages, landing pages, or something else?
Content angle:Is there a common theme or unique selling point across the top-ranking pages? If so, this gives you some insight into what might be important to searchers.


Google’s ranking algorithm is based on something called PageRank.
In simple terms, this interprets backlinks as votes. Generally speaking, pages with more votes tend to rank higher.
How do we know? Last year, we studied almost one billion web pages and found a clear correlation between referring domains (links from unique websites) and organic search traffic.

Quality Of Content

Things you can do to increase the perceived quality of your content might be: Stick to a 7th or 8th-grade reading level. Most Americans read at this level.
Use short sentences and paragraphs. This is web content, not an essay.
Link to useful resources where appropriate. Don’t be concerned about “hoarding PageRank.” Aim to make your content as valuable to visitors as possible. Avoid big walls of text. Break things up with images, quotes, etc. Aim to make your content skimmable.

We Perform SEO At
Lightning Speed

We use industry leading software to help build your Back Link Profile (BLP) with only relevant do-follow links at lightning speed, because we always launch with a game plan.

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